Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ride with ya Boy

Wassup People...

I have read soooo many blogs and online journals lately that I must admit, it has kinda gotten me interested in putting down some of my thoughts on the web. My prayer is that you all will be able to enjoy the ideas that I am sharing , and that in turn, someone else may be inspired to share their mind with the world as well. I come to you, humble in my approach, and ready to level with you on what I am feeling...

Come ride with ya boy for a minute.

For the purposes of this blog, you will know my as Humper T. Callahan, III. Don't ask me where this name came from, it just seemed to flow. I am 24 years old, and a grad student in Cell Biology at Florida State University. I graduated from Albany State University, in my hometown of Albany, GA. Just your ordinary Black man living an extraordinary life, due to the blessings bestowed upon me by the Lord above. To him, I offer my sincerest thanks and undying gratitude.

I feel that my life has been perfect!!! Now I know someone reading this will think...."How dare he consider himself perfect?" Well, I have a major philosophy about life and perfection. I believe that God made me under a unique blueprint, with all of the amenities and talents necessary for me to fulfill my destiny. So if God is my architect, then who is to say that his design is flawed? I am definitely not. Now I know that the Bible says that "we have all sinned and fallen short." I understand this. But if the Bible makes a blanket statement like this about believers and non-believers alike, then that is already accounted for, and therefore, does not contradict my rationale (just had to throw that in there fore the debaters out there.) This idea of perfection has led me to achieve more than my mind could even conceive, because I go into each situation with the notion that 1) I am here for a reason 2) God planned this for me, and 3) he is too perfect for me to mess up his work, no matter how hard I try. Essentially, I feel that despite what society may consider to be my flaws, I will acheive my purpose and goals in life, and therefore, my living won't be in vain.

Let's take this perfection thing to another level. Imagine what each one of us could do if we thought that we were perfect. If everyone looked at their shortcomings, not as a flaw or imperfection, but as a quality not built into their design. Would you attempt to do more than you normally would, knowing that you stood just as great a chance as anyone else? Would you back away from insurmountable tasks simply because you feel that you don't have what it takes? I think this whole notion of "nobody's perfect" has permeated our subconscious and caused us to limit ourselves in what we do with our lives. There are sooo many tasks that I am doing now, that when I thought less of myself, I was afraid to do for fear of failure. I think now, I am closer to seeing my potential because I have removed the negativity from my mindset, and I embrace each challenge as a new way of explore my "amenities." I am perfect, and so is everyone that God has made (which includes you)!

Okay, so now that you have an insight as to my life's philosophy, you will be able to understand my mindset in each of my subsequent posts. Hope you enjoy delving into my mentals, cause I promise it will be a unique ride!!!


1 comment:

the kid said...

I'm liking your blog, man! I'm feeling your philosophy on perfection also. Welcome to blogging!